Monday, 3 July 2017

No Blues

Some days I need you.

Some days when blues and greens
cloud my vision;
When their cold hands grab me
And pull me into their depths;

Some days when eyes glide
 past things and people,
And refuse to register
The sights of freshness around,
To stare at dark unknown;

Some days when spirit sleeps,
And wouldn't budge to
my feeble attempts to wake her up;
When I feel like I too want to resign,
Shut out lights, sounds and all the fuss;

I need you,

To bring me warmth of vibrant reds and yellows,
To shake me up, to push me ahead;
To coax me into action with
those plain, sensible words -
"Stop all this nonsense, dear.
Get going."

Those days are few and far between,
That doesn't mean they mean any less;
The sparkle of those colors and warmth,
Lasts longer than those days.
Long, until I need you again.