Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Skies don't weep over fallen stars

You needn't take them if you do not desire;

You cannot keep what you don't deserve.

Gittering starlets fallen from sky,

touched your ground as ashes;

Chaste showers that rains over you,

Turned muddy puddles at your feet.

I get it.

You are better off

Without puddles and ashes.

You do not need

rains and glitters.

Maybe starlets should have stayed

where they were.

Maybe rains shouldn't have showered,

when your land wasn't parched.

Fallen things are lost, if, not owned.

Skies don't weep over fallen stars;

Clouds don't mourn befouled water;

Even if they did,

Shower their gifts, they will.

They won't stop.

You needn't take them if you don't desire;

You cannot keep what you do not deserve.

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