Thursday, 10 September 2015

The Dream

Blue skies and green lands;
  Lush fields and roaring waterfalls;
Fruits, flowers, lawns and palaces;
  All are yours.

Kind smiles and nice talks;
Sweet children and loving embraces,
Respect,rights,friends and admirers;
   All are yours.

Step forward and choose anyone,
   The choice is yours.
Come and enter your dreamworld,
The dream was always yours.

'Yes!' she whispers, 'dream mine it was,always.'
Slender and trembling
  Tender and trusting
She draws herself up.

Breeze kisses her tresses;
Mellow green grass peck her feet.
As she walks,birds chirp in the trees.
'Yes. Just like I dreamed.'

When she reaches the threshold,
She lifts up her gaze,
Her expectant eyes open wide,
to take in the beauty of her realizing dream.

Lo and behold!

Breeze has fled, dry grass stubs prick her feet.
People with gory, painted faces claw at her.
'Come!' their pointy teeth show when they smile.
When they speak, their voices hurt her ears.

Come, and be the lady of the house.
Duty,obligation, beauty and children
All that you have it in you. That's all we need
Come, the choice is yours.
Come and enter the dreamworld
The dream, that was yours.

'Yes, dream mine it was.' she whispers.
And, she faints and falls into her dream.

Author's note: The dream, that is instilled in a girl child soon after she enters the world. The dream she internalizes as she grows up. The dream that devours all other dreams she would have dreamed otherwise. The dream that makes people live for the sake of marriage and marry for the sake of some life. That is the dream this poem is about. A product of my dark days that hasn't grown out of context.

What do you think?

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